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      László, János – Fülöp, Éva

      Emotional representation of history in history textbooks and naive narrations

        Our study is part of series of studies about emotional organization of national identity. In our previous study (Fülöp, 2008) the same history textbooks and lay stories were analized as in the present one based on relevant socialpsychological paradigms (infrahumanization, linguistic category model, inter-group bias in attribution of positive-negative emotions) concerning emotional processes of inter-group relationships. It was supposed that history textbooks and lay stories about history as significant group narratives can be suitable for revealing the patterns of national identity regarding to organization of experiences and meaning giving. The then results showed that approaches explaining emotions in inter-group situations in many cases ignore the connection of group-based emotions and group history, emotions in representation of Hungarians in historical context didn’t fit to predictions of those emotion concepts. Taking into account historical aspect of inter-group relations we examined group-based emotions connected to real historical events in experimental settings (Fülöp, 2008; László & Fülöp, 2010) and characteristic emotional pattern attributed to Hungarians was found. In historical conflict situation typical emotions of Hungarians were: fear, hope, enthusiasm, disappointment and sadness. According to our results it was proposed that historical trajectory of a nation- namely unique sequence of positive and negative emotions- infers representative configuration of emotions, which becomes part of national identity. Based on these considerations we brough in concept of historical trajectory related emotions, by we mean emotions which become characteristic as emotional responsiveness through organization of repertative historical events of given nations and can be considered as consequently recurring emotions in representation of history. Awaring of these experimental results furher analyses was conducting regarding to emotion matches of history textbooks and lay history narratives, which -based on István Bibó’s conception about societal-psychological processes, in the light of historical experiences of Hungarian nation – we could interpret in a much fine-grained way with adaptation of concept of historical trajectory related emotions.

          Bebesi, György – Kolontári, Attila

          Hungarian textbook presentation of the russian-soviet history after the change of the system, during the ’90s

            This article is an abridged Hungarian version of our essay published in Russian in 2003. From 2001 to 2003 we took part in an international research program with our Russian, Polish, Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian etc. colleagues. We analysed how the image of Russia and the Soviet Union has changed after the democratic transformation of the political system, what new elements were moved to the foreground compared with the earlier era. We carried out the analysis of the schoolbooks on History for secondary school students published in the 1990s based on given criteria. We analysed materials primarily from the aspect of content and not from a methodological aspect. As our essay was written mainly for our Russian colleagues and the community working on the project, we endeavoured – apart from the presentation of different approaches – to review the information and facts shaping the image of Russia in the minds of 14-18-year-old students. Although int he Hungarian version we attempted to shorten these parts, the descriptive character of the article has partially remained.
            The most important conclusion of our research is that in the era following the democratic transformation of the political system, the authors of schoolboocs on History remained within the professional framework, the conceptual differences (although they reflect the author’s world view, scale of values, political persuation) do not go beyond the limits of the freedom of interpretation of historical facts permitted for Historians. Direct political pressure, moreover, the requirement to form a false historical conciousness, which could be shown in the case of some post-Soviet countries, was not present int he writing and publications of Hungarian schoolbooks.

              Latest issues

                Lovas, Anna

                A life and work of a beatific: Salkaházi Sára

                  The editorial of our periodical and homepage has already decided at the formation that it tries to give enough publication opportunity for young adults, especially for teacher candidates at history, but also for the winners of the yearly National Secondary School Competition. This should be a reassurance for the gifted historians and teacher candidates, on the other hand it demonstrates that we do not miss talents nowdays, neither in the secondary schools.
                  The first presented essay is written by a 11. grade student. It introduces to the burdensome life of social sister Sára Salkaházi whose life concluded in martyrdom in the turbulent times at the end of 1944. The savour of jews was beatified by pope XVI. Benedictus, which was carried out in September in front of the St. Stephan’s Cathedral. The author has worked up the whole life of Sára Salkaházi handling the sources and historian interpretations with convincing manner.


                      Makk, Gábor

                      The road is important and not its end!” The adaptivity of portfolio as a development method in learning- and teaching history1

                        The following study deals with the effect of the growing cognitive revolution of the 20th century on education, the pedagogical relations of constructionist learning, the definitions of revaluations of knowledge and learning and the theory and practice of portfolio technique from the constructionist teaching methods. It outlines the challenges which are set by the expectations of the society and labor market, the National Basic Curriculum (Nemzeti alaptanterv-NAT) and the newly introduced two-tier maturity examination system against secondary school students and teachers.
                        This study also offers an alternative way to enrich the classroom practice with new techniques. As its message, it emphasizes the importance and opportunities of the portfolio technique which allows the applicable knowledge of life long learning and to become an autonomous student.

                          Korpics, Zsolt

                          Interactive maps and their possibilities in the modern history education

                            Maps belong to the most frequently used tools during a history lesson, given to the fact of their versatile utilization facilities and their capacity of developing some vital abilities. However, development and its changing society requires to adjust our instruments to expectation of our modern era. The apperance of the interactive map is therefore just a further step in the „evolution of school instruments”. This paper tries to introduce the importance and possibilities of the interactive maps by also presenting the difficulties of school maps’ stock. The author is convinced that this is not just a technical novelty, but a kind of means that effectively contributes to the reformation of educational methods and open up until now not experienced cooperation opportunities for the colleagues dealing with history.
