Makk, Gábor
A Guide to the History of European Integration, or Thematic History Learning and Teaching as a Possible Alternative
This study undertakes an experiment to outline both former and current integration in Europe for middle school students and those interested in history. Within this framework, general information materials communicate implementations of forms of European integration and the globalised world affecting Hungary such as the European Union. Among further goals is to guide the reader down the road that leads to integration as in a historical process by embossing historical connections and broadening historical knowledge that is stuck in national frameworks. Without questioning the raison d’etre of conventional, chronology-based teaching materials, it offers an alternative, too, with regard to how to paint a textbook chapter serving a thematic, approach with a European dimension. A presentation of this is found in our next issue.
Katona, András
The Reception of the Rákoczi War of Independence in Hungarian History Textbooks – On the Occasion of the 300th Anniversary
Part 2: 1945-1990
The end of April and the beginning of May 2011, marked the 300th anniversary of the end of the Rákoczi War of Independence, the first of the Hungarian wars of independence that rocked the last centuries. This was our only struggle for independence that finished with a compromise, brought visible (albeit, disputable) results too, and did not lead to retaliation, not counting the “voluntary” emigration of Rákóczi and his exiled compatriots. This study seeks to follow – from a remove of 300 years – the reception of the Rákoczi War of Independence in the history textbooks of the past two centuries all the way up to 1945, first of all assessing the whole series of events, especially with a view to the Peace of Szatmár and the circumstances of its signing, while devoting less attention to particular details. In our study, we also try to sketch a picture of the serious influence of the writing of history on the writing of history textbooks. It is also important to note that among the history textbooks that are part of the study, we devoted more attention to those of an aetiological nature, or in modern terms, at the higher level of analytical history teaching, which were used mainly at the end of the course of public education, we could say, since 1850, before the school-leaving exam.
Kaposi, József
On the New National Core Curriculum
The introduction of the National Core Curriculum, an innovative framework-like concept for the regulation of Hungarian public education, came about in 1989, early during the change of system. After much, much debate and at least a dozen drafts, the NCC1 and local curricula were combined in 1995 for the introduction of the dual-level curriculum regulation. Education under the new system started from 1998, after a three-year period of preparation. From 2000, with the introduction of framework curriculum regulation, the dual-level system became a tri-level one. In 2003, the NCC2 was presented. The exclusion of statutory teaching materials and the inclusion of only teachable examples under the sub-heading “The Key Elements of Content” was the most important change in the NCC2. The NCC3, which appeared in 2007, was expanded with the introduction of key competencies recommended by the European Union. The most important changes to the content of the present curriculum, the NCC4, is the re-inclusion of statutory teaching materials. Editors and leaders in the area of cultural literacy speak about this, and other changes as well as interpretations of NCC4 in this study.