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      Kojanitz, László

      Changes to the Core Curriculum – From Telling History to Historical Approach

        The main problem in history teaching is that very little will remain of all that we teach. Therefore, in the current „re-design” we should focus on the internal support columns of history knowledge. I discuss four topics: development of domain-specific skills, using adaptive frameworks for the interpretation of the past, creating links between the past and the present and awareness of issues related to the reflective view of history. In addition, I will also deal with conflicts between national traditions and history.

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            Gyertyánfy, András

            A General Historical Outline of the Past Decades

              The study goes into the history of the last decade of the 20. and the first decade of the 21. century. Chapters 1 to 3 explain economic, political and cultural world phenomena, followed by a Chapter 4 on European integration including its history before 1990. The text was originally conceived for the purposes of social education in the secondary school. Now it may be helpful in teaching history, as the era has been inserted the to the new frame curriculum of history as an independent chapter entitled European integration and the fulfilment of globalization.

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                      Kesjár, Róbert

                      The Reflection of Russian and Soviet History in Hungarian Secondary
                      School Textbooks, Part 1

                        In his work, the author shows and analyzes, first, how the Russian people, Russia and, finally, the history of the Soviet Union are presented in some of the secondary school history textbooks in circulation in Hungary today. His research has been undertaken based on pre-established considerations, to which hypotheses deemed necessary are made. After these are listed, the analysis is undertaken. In this first report, he examines Russian history before the Bolshevik takeover of power.

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                            Varga, Emese

                            Historical Feature Films in History Teaching, Part 2
                            Teachers on the use of films

                              In our previous report, the author wrote about the use of historical-themed feature films as an illustrative teaching aid. She presented the similarities and differences between documentary films and feature films, historically-themed films that can be used in the course of instruction, and those films that are recommended as an interface in the new history, social and civic studies core curriculum. She showed a textbook lesson and its context and connection to the scenes of a feature film. This time, she examines the practices of primary school history teachers who use films, with a broad, although not representative, questionnaire survey.

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