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      Kojanitz, László

      Teaching and learning of key concepts III.


        The development of historical thinking requires that we explicitly address the issue of historical significance in our teaching. In order to form a meaningful and coherent picture of what has happened in the past, we need to be able to distinguish the “significant” from the “trivial”. The overall picture of the historical era, process, and series of events, and how we attach historical significance to people, events, and ideas are closely intertwined. School education plays a key role in this. Students should treat claims of significance as being based on people’s judgments. Thus, it can also be made clear to them that the significance of something in history is always judged in a given context, according to some aspect and in relation to something.


          Bánkuti, Gábor

          Pécs8 – local history, social learning, local identity

            The Pécs8 program was inspired by a double challenge affecting the whole of city and local history. How can one speak about the history of a city in a way that makes readers identify with it? How to provide a narrative that is both interesting and credible for the general public, while also addressing the current methodological problems raised by local historiography? What are the emphases and methods of editing and analyzing that can assist in presenting the city’s past, advancing beyond a topical mosaic to reveal an organism of interdependent and interacting factors? Looking past the content and methodological difficulties: How can one take on the basic task of local history amid contemporary circumstances, strengthening local identity, while uncovering the city’s past as a history of community that is relevant to the present, too? These content and methodological challenges became apparent in the planning of the eighth – from whence the title – and final volume of the History of Pécs Foundation’s grand endeavor to produce a city monograph presenting the period between 1945 and 1990 that meets the needs of both professionals and the general public.


              Latest issues

                References from the recent past of our history teaching I

                Documents on talks and agreements with the Education Chapter of the Jewish Community Roundtable Conference related to the 2012 National Core Curriculum (NCC) and Framework Curricula

                Provided by József Kaposi, former chief director of the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development, chairman of the 2012 NCC Committee

                  Our journal would like to contribute to the processing of the recent past of history teaching in Hungary in the period after the regime change by releasing to the public various sources/documents. Initially in the series, we touch on issues of content regulation (currulica, matriculation examination, textbooks) by making period documents and explanatory texts accessible in the pages of our publication. We await similar materials worthy of publication from our colleagues and readers. Let’s write together the history of the last three decades of history teaching in Hungary!

                  The tenth anniversary of the approval of the National Core Curriculum (NCC) in 2012 is approaching. To mark the occasion, we are publishing two documents: Recommendations of the Education Chapter of the Jewish Community Roundtable Conference (JCR) on modifications to the NCC, and the minutes and addendums of the talks conducted on the topic of the NCC with the JCR. The two materials highlight the peculiarities of the NCC as a particular regulatory document and reveal the elements of the Hungarian language and literature and the man and society areas of cultural literacy that the Jewish communities in Hungary found debatable. Furthermore, they offer an example of how to shape a professional consensus on debated matters.



                      Bánkuti, Gábor

                      Pécs8 – local history, social learning, local identity

                        The Pécs8 program was inspired by a double challenge affecting the whole of city and local history. How can one speak about the history of a city in a way that makes readers identify with it? How to provide a narrative that is both interesting and credible for the general public, while also addressing the current methodological problems raised by local historiography? What are the emphases and methods of editing and analyzing that can assist in presenting the city’s past, advancing beyond a topical mosaic to reveal an organism of interdependent and interacting factors? Looking past the content and methodological difficulties: How can one take on the basic task of local history amid contemporary circumstances, strengthening local identity, while uncovering the city’s past as a history of community that is relevant to the present, too? These content and methodological challenges became apparent in the planning of the eighth – from whence the title – and final volume of the History of Pécs Foundation’s grand endeavor to produce a city monograph presenting the period between 1945 and 1990 that meets the needs of both professionals and the general public.


                          Hengán, Kamilla

                          Opportunities for developing social competency in education

                            Social skills make the individual capable of living in society, achieving goals and being accepting of their fellow human beings. To develop social skills, it is especially important to deal with them during the period of secondary school, because the proper acquisition of social and intellectual skills is of key importance to one’s success as an adult. I examine the kind of methodologies that can support the development of social skills during the years in public education, especially in the course of history instruction. The grasp of teachers and teachers in training of the concept of social competency and its potential for development is important. I completed my exploratory research with the help of an online survey. I present methodological options in three categories (development in the classroom, outside of the classroom and outside of school), each of which I illustrate with an activity I have tried.